Lullabies: The First Seeds of Language

Mother singing a lullaby from book to her baby on her lap in the bedroom

From Lullabies to Language Acquisition

Music is deeply woven into the human experience, found in every culture around the world. It carries our stories, our joys, and our deepest emotions. While music enriches our lives throughout our journey, its impact is particularly profound in early childhood.

The magic of lullabies

Long before they can speak, babies are captivated by the melodies and rhythms of lullabies. These soothing songs, passed down through generations, do more than simply entertain. They:

  • Strengthen Bonds: Lullabies create a special connection between parent and child, fostering a sense of security and comfort.
  • Encourage Interaction: Singing with your baby encourages back-and-forth communication, laying the foundation for language development.
  • Stimulate the Senses: Lullabies engage a baby’s hearing and often involve gentle rocking, stimulating touch and movement.

These musical interactions are like a wonderful conversation. Babies respond to their parents’ singing, and parents adjust their voices in response. This “back-and-forth” is crucial for early development.

Research shows that babies can even recognize songs they heard while still in the womb! These early musical experiences shape their brains and lay the groundwork for future cognitive, social, and emotional growth.

Participating in group music activities, like baby music classes, can further enhance a toddler’s development by improving their:

  • Communication skills: Vocabulary and the ability to express themselves.
  • Social-emotional skills: Interaction with others and managing their emotions.
  • Motor skills: Coordination and movement.

Music in Action: From Infants to Toddlers

  • Infants (0-6 months): Even in these early months, families can create a musical world for their babies. This lays the groundwork for a lifelong love of music and helps them develop important listening and communication skills.
  • Older Infants (6-12 months): As babies become more social, music adds a special touch to playtime, encouraging interaction and exploration.
  • Toddlers (1-3 years): Toddlers are busy explorers! Music makes daily routines fun, teaches them social skills like turn-taking, and sparks their creativity.

Music and Language: A Powerful Connection

Research consistently demonstrates a strong link between music and language development.

  • Phonemic Awareness: Music significantly improves phonemic awareness, the ability to identify and manipulate individual sounds within words – a crucial skill for reading and writing.
  • Second Language Learning: Children with early musical training often show improved abilities in acquiring second languages.
  • Reading Skills: Early music education has been linked to improved reading skills in first language acquisition.

Research on the effects of Music on Language Development



 The effects of live parental infant-directed singing on infants, parents, and the parent-infant dyad

Key Finding: Infant-directed singing can improve care-giver well being, calm distressed infants, and enhance postnatal bonding 


Prenatal Music Exposure Induces Long-Term Neural Effects

Effect of Parent/Child Group Music Activities on Toddler Development: A Pilot Study

Key Findings: For children aged between 1 – 2 years, participation in 4 – 7  music sessions with their caregivers led to significant increases in higher level cognitive skills (including communicative, social, motor, and music skills) compared to controls who did not participate in the sessions. 


The Effect of Music Instruction on Phonemic Awareness in Beginning Readers

Individual differences in second-language proficiency: Does musical ability matter?

Relations among musical skills, phonological processing, and early reading ability in preschool children

Key Findings: Children who acquire early musical skills exhibit:

  1. The ability to read earlier in their first language

  2. Increased capacity to perceive and produce phonetic contrasts in a second language

  3. Significantly greater gains in phonemic awareness (when receiving 30 minutes of music instruction per week, over 4 months) compared to non-participating peers.

Join Music and Movement Workshops at Step by Step Nursery!

At Step by Step Nurseries, we believe in the power of music to transform young lives. We provide a nurturing environment where children can explore the wonders of music through singing, dancing, and playing instruments.

We invite you to join our engaging music and movement workshops designed for children and their families. Visit our events page to register for a workshop near you and discover the magic of music together!


written by

Picture of Alexandra


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